Open Heart surgery – A Complete Picture

open heart surgery cost
open heart surgery cost

In open-heart surgery, the chest is cut open, and the muscles, calves, or arteries of the heart are operated. The best heart surgery hospitals in Bangalore can give the most fruitful results of the procedure and have high success rates. With more knowledge and innovation, scientists and doctors have been able to improve on the process. This process makes it less risky to perform and has fewer side effects. Nonetheless, open-heart surgery is a complicated procedure and requires the best team to perform that surgery. 

The coronary artery bypass is the most common procedure performed on adults. In this surgery, grafting is done to open the blockages in the coronary artery. This technique allows the artery to bypass the blockages and resume the flow of fresh blood. This method is a more traditional form of heart surgery, and today many new heart procedures are being done with smaller incisions, as opposed to wider ones. Despite its name, it is indeed not very open today and has small cuts or incisions. 

What is open heart surgery – All you need to know.

This CABG (coronary artery bypass grafting) is essential for people who are suffering from coronary heart disease. Coronary heart disease occurs when the blood vessels which provide the heart with fresh blood and oxygen, get slender and hard. This process is also known as “hardening of the arteries.” There is a restriction of blood flow this way through the constant plaque buildup, due to which a heart attack is probable to occur. A heart attack can lead to death. Therefore, it is essential to remove this restriction as soon as possible.  

How Is Open Heart Surgery Done?

A standard open-heart surgery procedure takes up to six hours to perform. It follows the following steps.

  • The patient is given anaesthesia under which the surgery is done so that they don’t feel pain. 
  • An incision of 8 to 10 inches is made in the chest area.
  • The surgeon cuts through the breastbone to get to the heart.
  • During this, the patient is kept hooked to a lung bypass machine that removes the blood so that the surgeon can perform the surgery. 
  • A new path is made across the blocked artery, and a healthy vein is used.
  • The breastbone is closed with a wire, and the doctor leaves this wire inside the body.
  • In the end, the surgeon closes and stitches up the incision. 

Risks of open-heart surgery.

Open-heart surgery is major surgery, and there is a risk of the following:

  • Infection of the chest wound. It is more common in people suffering from obesity, diabetes, or someone who has undergone CABG before. 
  • A stroke or a heart attack during the procedure.
  • Irregularity in the beating of the heart.
  • Failure of lungs or kidneys.
  • Pain in the chest or a low-grade fever.
  • Loss of memory.
  • Blood clotting.
  • Loss of blood/dizziness.
  • Difficulty in breathing.
  • Pneumonia.

Preparing for the surgery

Before the surgery, the doctor will do a thorough re-assessment of the patient. He will ask comprehensively about the previous medical history and the medications that the patient may be on. When the surgery is due in 2 weeks, the doctor will ask the patient to refrain from smoking and take blood-thinning medications (aspirin, ibuprofen, and naproxen). The best heart surgery hospitals in Bangalore make very keen observations before the surgery.

Doctors recommend making them aware of the complete picture before the procedure because every little detail is integral to success. 

What to expect after the surgery

Taking good care of your health after surgery is essential to a healthy and fast recovery. The doctor and the staff will provide you with a comprehensive plan that will contribute to this success. It is up to you to follow it with great detail. 

Caring for the incision wound is extremely important. You have to keep that area warm and dried up. It is advisable to wash hands before touching it. This precaution will ensure that no infections will develop there, and if there are any signs of disease, set up an appointment with a doctor urgently. 

The doctor will prescribe medication to handle the pain. Follow up on the drug so that the recovery is fast and decreases your chances of developing complications such as clotting or pneumonia. Resting well and getting enough sleep is also very important. Doctors advise the patients to go through a rehabilitation program which includes exercise and to deal with any stress or anxiety. 


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